Wednesday, June 15, 2011

DC Reboot: Batman and Kevin Smith

My least favourite Batman comic and my least favourite Kevin Smith work will remain in continuity in the DC Universe following the DC reboot.

Why? I cannot explain. It makes me sad, actually.

Thanks to Keith for bringing me this heartbreaking news.


Eric said...

Hah! From Wiki: Smith has described how he creates the scripts. Following Zack and Miri Make a Porno, he had "a sort of nervous breakdown, or as close to a mid-life crisis" and started heavily smoking cannabis, which, he claims, has contributed to his writing of the series[2]:
“ I’m not telling you anything new…I’m far more creative now, you know. I’ve been writing this Batman: The Widening Gyre miniseries, and I’m stoned all the time when I’m writing it. And, I swear, I’ll write it, and then, it’s not so much blackout, but forget, so much so that the next morning, I go to read what I wrote, and it’s, like, I’m that cobbler and elves came and wrote it in the night, because I’m, like, "This is better than anything I’ve ever written before." I mean, like, I’ve done comics, but this is way better.

I'm sure stuff seems real awesome when you wake and bake.

Eric said...

Hah! Everything is awesome if you wake and bake. From Wiki:

Smith has described how he creates the scripts. Following Zack and Miri Make a Porno, he had "a sort of nervous breakdown, or as close to a mid-life crisis" and started heavily smoking cannabis, which, he claims, has contributed to his writing of the series[2]:
“ I’m not telling you anything new…I’m far more creative now, you know. I’ve been writing this Batman: The Widening Gyre miniseries, and I’m stoned all the time when I’m writing it. And, I swear, I’ll write it, and then, it’s not so much blackout, but forget, so much so that the next morning, I go to read what I wrote, and it’s, like, I’m that cobbler and elves came and wrote it in the night, because I’m, like, "This is better than anything I’ve ever written before." I mean, like, I’ve done comics, but this is way better.